Featured Products

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Little Nap – sweet baby fawn 4x4" painting

First Prance – sweet baby fawn 4x4" canvas

First Steps – sweet baby fawn 4x4" painting

Snowy Owl ornament

Spring Mystery Bags!
$22.00 - $78.00

Late to the Party – Skunk painting

Rent Free – Barn Owl in the Attic painting

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Puffin Hill – puffins on a 8x10" canvas

PRINT of "Puffin Hill"

PRINT set of "Branching Out" - a sweet oriole portrait

Custom Commission 8x10 inch canvas of your choice

5x7" Sweetie Canvas Commission

By the River – Female cardinal in the walnut tree

Grandma's Garden – rufous hummingbird painting

Design your own mini! 4x4" canvas with bird of your choice

Large Format 16x20 Custom Painting
$352.00 - $380.00

Choose your own bird house!

Seasons Care Package – get a goody box with the seasonal change!
$59.00 - $199.00

Chinchilla – graphite drawing

Colaptes auratus – Northern flicker bird drawing

Testudinidae – Tortoise graphite drawing

PRINT of "He Quoth" corvid painting

PRINT of "Late to the Party" skunk

PRINT of "Rent Free: owl

PRINT of "Family Movie Night" bats

Little monarch caterpillar - 2" canvas

Bird Songs: Kazoo

Buzzing By – Ruby Throated Humming Bird

PRINT 12x14.5~" Limited Edition Print of "Watching Them Swim" - Mallard Duck print

PRINT pack of "Moon Bath" – 5x10" print

Mystery Grab Bag!

Springtime Haunts – Pileated woodpecker big painting on canvas

Stationery Set – Graphite bird theme

Custom Teeny Ornament

Sampler bundle! Mystery pack prints and cards

Pond Baby – tadpole tiny painting

Not Done Screamin' – cute cicada painting

Teeny Tiny Tiger Lily

Shoebill 2x2 Canvas

Print of Rose and Margaret, Visiting.

A Bat Mystery - bat painting bundle

An Owl Mystery – Bundle of paintings mystery box

A Cardinal Mystery - cardinal bird art bundle

Night Owl Sticker set – Cute oval owl sticker with pin

Notecard Grab Bags!

PRINT 8x10" Print of Forest Fawns

PRINT Mini print pack of "Midnight Mavens"

PRINT 12x16" Limited Edition Print of Forest Fawns

PRINT of The Trees Whisper Your Name

PRINT of "Long Jump", cute goats painting
$24.00 - $38.00

PRINT 8x10 Print of Where the Forest Edge Begins

PRINT limited edition "Where the Forest Edge Begins" 12x16"

PRINT 8x10" Print of "Protector" - Bison and baby print

PRINT 12x12 or 5x5 print of "Waiting", cardinals in the countryside
$8.00 - $30.00

Tree Spotting – Great Spotted Woodpecker small painting

All the Notecards – 10 card set
$24.00 - $60.00

Birdie Badges

Notecard of Hushed Twilight - snowy owl notecard
$4.00 - $60.00

Notecard of A Light Drizzle – salamander notecard
$4.00 - $60.00

Notecard of Waiting – two cardinals notecard
$4.00 - $60.00

Notecard of Field of Finches – Gold finch notecard
$4.00 - $60.00

Notecard of Forest Fawns
$4.00 - $60.00

Notecard of Spotted Autumn - a spotted towhee card
$4.00 - $60.00

Notecard of Where the Forest Edge Begins – Fawn deer notecards
$4.00 - $60.00

Notecard of Springtime Haunts – Pileated Woodpecker notecard
$4.00 - $60.00

Notecard of Wispy Wanderer – Moose Notecard
$4.00 - $60.00

Notecard of Helping Myself to a Little Snack – Skunk notecard
$4.00 - $60.00

Perch Perfect – northern long earred owl painting