Seasons Care Package – get a goody box with the seasonal change!

$59.00 - $199.00

What is in this Seasons Care Package?

• seasonal themed 4x4” original canvas
• a teeny 2” canvas
• 2 - 5x7” prints
• a goody bag of my favorite treats

Over $70 value of products!
Order each season, or buy an annual subscription for a fun discount! You pick which season you want your care package to arrive, or set up the annual for 4 packages spaced throughout the year.

• March Box will be mailed around March 20, 2024.

• Summer box will be mailed around June 21, 2024.

• Autumn Box will be mailed around September 22, 2024.

• Winter Solstice December Box will be mailed around Dec 21.